DSA Patterns
Depth First Search
Master the DFS traversal technique for trees and graphs
Depth First Search Pattern
DFS is a traversal technique that explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. Think of it like exploring a maze by following each path to its end before going back and trying a different path.
Why Use DFS?
Memory Efficiency
- Uses O(h) space vs O(w) for BFS
- Perfect for deep tree structures
- Efficient for path-finding problems
- Natural recursive implementation
Real-World Applications
Maze Solving
- Finding path from start to end
- Detecting dead ends
- Mapping all possible routes
- Finding shortest/optimal paths
Game AI
- Chess move analysis
- Game tree exploration
- Min-max algorithm
- Alpha-beta pruning
File System Operations
- Directory traversal
- File searching
- Size calculation
- Duplicate detection
Dependency Resolution
- Package managers
- Build systems
- Task scheduling
- Circular dependency detection
Core DFS Patterns
Preorder Traversal
def preorder(root): """ Process node before children Visit order: Root -> Left -> Right Example Tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Step-by-step execution: 1. Start at root (1) - Add 1 to result: [1] - Push to stack: [1] 2. Go to left child (2) - Add 2 to result: [1, 2] - Push to stack: [1, 2] 3. Go to left child (4) - Add 4 to result: [1, 2, 4] - No children, backtrack 4. Back to 2, go to right child (5) - Add 5 to result: [1, 2, 4, 5] - No children, backtrack 5. Back to 1, go to right child (3) - Add 3 to result: [1, 2, 4, 5, 3] Final Output: [1, 2, 4, 5, 3] Real-world Applications: 1. Creating copy of tree - Preserves parent-child relationships - Maintains structural integrity 2. Serializing tree structure - Perfect for XML/JSON parsing - Maintains hierarchical order 3. Directory listing - Shows parent directories first - Natural for file system traversal 4. Expression parsing - Handles operator precedence - Builds expression trees """ def dfs(node, result): if not node: return # Process before children (preorder) result.append(node.val) # Process children dfs(node.left, result) dfs(node.right, result) result = [] dfs(root, result) return result
Inorder Traversal
def inorder(root): """ Process node between children Visit order: Left -> Root -> Right Example Tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Step-by-step execution: 1. Start at root (1) - Push to stack: [1] - Go left 2. At node 2 - Push to stack: [1, 2] - Go left 3. At node 4 - No left child - Add 4 to result: [4] - No right child, pop 2 4. Back at node 2 - Add 2 to result: [4, 2] - Go to right child (5) 5. At node 5 - Add 5 to result: [4, 2, 5] - Pop 1 6. Back at node 1 - Add 1 to result: [4, 2, 5, 1] - Go to right child (3) 7. At node 3 - Add 3 to result: [4, 2, 5, 1, 3] Final Output: [4, 2, 5, 1, 3] Key Use Cases: 1. Binary Search Tree Validation - Values should be in ascending order - Helps detect invalid BST structures Example: Valid BST: Invalid BST: 2 2 / \ / \ 1 3 1 0 2. Sorted Sequence Generation - Natural for ordered data - Perfect for range queries Example: Finding all values between 5 and 10 3. Expression Evaluation - Handles operator precedence naturally - Perfect for mathematical expressions Example: Converting "1 + 2 * 3" to postfix """ def dfs(node, result): if not node: return # Process left subtree dfs(node.left, result) # Process current node (inorder) result.append(node.val) # Process right subtree dfs(node.right, result) result = [] dfs(root, result) return result
Postorder Traversal
def postorder(root): """ Process node after children Visit order: Left -> Right -> Root Example Tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Detailed Execution Flow: 1. Start at root (1) Stack: [1] Visit left subtree 2. At node 2 Stack: [1, 2] Visit left subtree 3. At node 4 - Process 4 (leaf node) Result: [4] 4. Back to 2, visit right At node 5 - Process 5 (leaf node) Result: [4, 5] 5. Process 2 (both children done) Result: [4, 5, 2] 6. Back to 1, visit right At node 3 - Process 3 (leaf node) Result: [4, 5, 2, 3] 7. Finally process root Result: [4, 5, 2, 3, 1] Practical Applications: 1. Tree Deletion Why postorder? - Ensures children are deleted before parents - Prevents memory leaks - Maintains referential integrity Example: Deleting a directory with files 2. Directory Size Calculation Process: - Get sizes of all subdirectories - Add file sizes - Combine for total size Example: du command in Unix 3. Expression Evaluation Example: Evaluating "3 4 +" - Process operands first - Then apply operator Stack operations shown: [3] -> [3, 4] -> [7] """ def dfs(node, result): if not node: return dfs(node.left, result) dfs(node.right, result) result.append(node.val) # Process after children result = [] dfs(root, result) return result
Advanced DFS Patterns
Path Finding with Backtracking
def findPath(root, target): """ Find path from root to target node Uses backtracking to build path Example: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ \ 4 5 6 findPath(root, 5) -> [1, 2, 5] """ def dfs(node, path): if not node: return False # Add current node to path path.append(node.val) # Found target if node.val == target: return True # Try left and right subtrees if dfs(node.left, path) or dfs(node.right, path): return True # Backtrack if target not found in this path path.pop() return False path = [] dfs(root, path) return path
Graph DFS with Cycle Detection
def hasCycle(graph): """ Detect cycles in directed graph Uses three-color marking: - White (0): Unvisited - Gray (1): In current path - Black (2): Completed Example: graph = { 1: [2, 3], 2: [3], 3: [1] # Creates cycle } """ def dfs(node): if colors[node] == 1: # Gray - cycle detected return True if colors[node] == 2: # Black - already explored return False colors[node] = 1 # Mark as being explored # Check all neighbors for neighbor in graph[node]: if dfs(neighbor): return True colors[node] = 2 # Mark as completed return False colors = {node: 0 for node in graph} # Initialize all white for node in graph: if colors[node] == 0: # Unvisited if dfs(node): return True return False
DFS with State Tracking
def maxPathSum(root): """ Find maximum path sum in binary tree Tracks state during traversal Example: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Output: 11 (path: 4 -> 2 -> 5) """ def dfs(node, current_sum): if not node: return current_sum # Try both paths left_sum = dfs(node.left, current_sum + node.val) right_sum = dfs(node.right, current_sum + node.val) # Return maximum path sum return max(left_sum, right_sum) return dfs(root, 0)
Edge Cases and Error Handling
- Comprehensive Edge Case Handling
def robustDFS(root): """ DFS implementation with thorough edge case handling """ # Handle empty tree if not root: return [] # Handle single node if not root.left and not root.right: return [root.val] # Handle maximum depth MAX_DEPTH = 1000 current_depth = 0 def dfs(node, depth): nonlocal current_depth # Check depth limit if depth > MAX_DEPTH: raise ValueError("Maximum depth exceeded") # Update maximum depth seen current_depth = max(current_depth, depth) # Normal DFS logic... try: result = [] dfs(root, 1) return result except Exception as e: logging.error(f"DFS failed: {str(e)}") raise
Performance Optimization Tips
Memory Optimization
- Use iterative approach for large trees
- Implement tail recursion when possible
- Clear unnecessary state during backtracking
- Consider using generators for large datasets
Speed Optimization
- Use early termination conditions
- Implement pruning techniques
- Cache repeated computations
- Choose appropriate data structures
Remember: The key to mastering DFS is to:
- Understand recursion thoroughly
- Handle state management properly
- Implement proper backtracking
- Consider memory implications
- Handle edge cases carefully
Practice Problems and Explanations
Path Sum Problems
def hasPathSum(root, targetSum): """ Problem: Determine if tree has root-to-leaf path summing to targetSum Difficulty: Easy Key Insights: 1. Need to track running sum along path 2. Only check sum at leaf nodes 3. Use DFS to explore all paths 4. Backtracking happens automatically Example Tree: 10 / \ 5 15 / \ \ 3 7 18 Target = 18 Valid Paths: - 10 -> 5 -> 3 (sum = 18) ✓ - 10 -> 5 -> 7 (sum = 22) ✗ - 10 -> 15 -> 18 (sum = 43) ✗ """ def dfs(node, remaining): if not node: return False # Check if we've reached a leaf node if not node.left and not node.right: return remaining == node.val # Try both paths, subtracting current value return (dfs(node.left, remaining - node.val) or dfs(node.right, remaining - node.val)) return dfs(root, targetSum)
Boundary Traversal
def boundaryTraversal(root): """ Problem: Print boundary nodes of binary tree Difficulty: Medium Key Concepts: 1. Left boundary (excluding leaves) 2. Leaves (in order) 3. Right boundary (excluding leaves, in reverse) Example Tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ \ 4 5 6 \ / 7 8 Output: [1,2,4,7,5,8,6,3] Breakdown: - Left boundary: [1,2,4] - Leaves: [7,5,8] - Right boundary (reverse): [6,3] Why DFS? - Natural for boundary following - Easy to track node position - Efficient leaf collection """ def isLeaf(node): return node and not node.left and not node.right def addLeaves(node, leaves): if not node: return if isLeaf(node): leaves.append(node.val) return addLeaves(node.left, leaves) addLeaves(node.right, leaves) def addLeftBoundary(node, res): if not node or isLeaf(node): return res.append(node.val) if node.left: addLeftBoundary(node.left, res) else: addLeftBoundary(node.right, res) def addRightBoundary(node, res): if not node or isLeaf(node): return if node.right: addRightBoundary(node.right, res) else: addRightBoundary(node.left, res) res.append(node.val) if not root: return [] result = [root.val] addLeftBoundary(root.left, result) addLeaves(root, result) addRightBoundary(root.right, result) return result
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
class Codec: """ Problem: Convert binary tree to string and back Difficulty: Hard Key Insights: 1. Need unique representation 2. Must handle null nodes 3. Preserve structure exactly 4. Use DFS for natural recursion Example: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Serialized: "1,2,#,#,3,4,#,#,5,#,#" Why This Format? - '#' marks null nodes - Commas separate values - Preorder traversal maintains structure - Can reconstruct uniquely Common Pitfalls: 1. Forgetting null markers 2. Not handling special chars in values 3. Incorrect string parsing 4. Stack overflow for large trees """ def serialize(self, root): """ DFS preorder traversal with null markers Time: O(n), Space: O(h) """ if not root: return "#" return (f"{root.val}," + self.serialize(root.left) + "," + self.serialize(root.right)) def deserialize(self, data): """ Recursive string parsing using queue Time: O(n), Space: O(n) """ def dfs(): val = next(values) if val == "#": return None node = TreeNode(int(val)) node.left = dfs() node.right = dfs() return node values = iter(data.split(",")) return dfs()
Common Interview Questions and Solutions
Validate Binary Search Tree
def isValidBST(root): """ Question: Determine if binary tree is valid BST Key Requirements: 1. Left subtree values < node value 2. Right subtree values > node value 3. All subtrees must be BSTs 4. Handle duplicates (usually not allowed) Solution Strategy: 1. Use inorder traversal 2. Track valid range for each node 3. Update ranges while traversing 4. Early termination on violation Time: O(n), Space: O(h) """ def validate(node, min_val, max_val): if not node: return True if not (min_val < node.val < max_val): return False return (validate(node.left, min_val, node.val) and validate(node.right, node.val, max_val)) return validate(root, float('-inf'), float('inf'))
Lowest Common Ancestor
def lowestCommonAncestor(root, p, q): """ Question: Find lowest common ancestor of two nodes Approach Explanation: 1. Use DFS to search for nodes 2. Return node when found 3. Combine results from subtrees 4. Handle not found case Example Cases: 3 / \ 5 1 / \ 6 2 LCA(5,6) = 5 (Parent-Child) LCA(6,2) = 5 (Siblings) LCA(6,1) = 3 (Different Subtrees) Time: O(n), Space: O(h) """ if not root or root == p or root == q: return root left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q) right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q) if left and right: return root return left if left else right
Maximum Path Sum
def maxPathSum(root): """ Question: Find path with maximum sum between any two nodes Difficulty: Hard Key Concepts: 1. Path can start/end at any node 2. Path doesn't need to pass through root 3. Negative values need special handling 4. Need to track both: - Max path through current node - Max path ending at current node Example Tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Possible Paths: 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3 -> 5 2 -> 1 -> 3 4 -> 2 Time: O(n), Space: O(h) """ def dfs(node): nonlocal max_sum if not node: return 0 # Get max path sums from children left = max(dfs(node.left), 0) # Ignore negative paths right = max(dfs(node.right), 0) # Update max_sum if path through current node is larger max_sum = max(max_sum, left + right + node.val) # Return max path ending at current node return max(left, right) + node.val max_sum = float('-inf') dfs(root) return max_sum
All Paths From Root to Leaf
def findAllPaths(root): """ Question: Find all paths from root to leaf nodes Difficulty: Medium Key Points: 1. Need to track current path 2. Only collect complete paths 3. Handle backtracking properly 4. Consider path copying cost Example Tree: 1 / \ 2 3 / / \ 4 5 6 Output: [ [1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 6] ] Time: O(n), Space: O(nh) where h is height """ def dfs(node, path, paths): if not node: return path.append(node.val) # Leaf node - add path copy if not node.left and not node.right: paths.append(path[:]) else: dfs(node.left, path, paths) dfs(node.right, path, paths) path.pop() # Backtrack paths = [] dfs(root, [], paths) return paths
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
def flatten(root): """ Question: Flatten binary tree to linked list in-place Difficulty: Medium Requirements: 1. Use preorder traversal order 2. Reuse existing nodes (in-place) 3. All right pointers, left = None 4. Maintain original node relationships Example: 1 / \ 1 2 5 -> \ / \ \ 2 3 4 6 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6 Time: O(n), Space: O(h) """ def dfs(node): nonlocal prev if not node: return # Save children left, right = node.left, node.right # Link current node if prev: prev.right = node prev.left = None prev = node # Process children dfs(left) dfs(right) prev = None dfs(root)
Count Univalue Subtrees
def countUnivalSubtrees(root): """ Question: Count subtrees where all nodes have same value Difficulty: Medium Definition: - Univalue subtree: All nodes have same value - Single node is a univalue subtree - Empty tree is not counted Example: 5 / \ 1 5 / \ \ 5 5 5 Output: 4 (three single 5s and one 1->5->5 subtree) Time: O(n), Space: O(h) """ def dfs(node): nonlocal count if not node: return True, None # Check left subtree left_is_uni, left_val = dfs(node.left) right_is_uni, right_val = dfs(node.right) # Current subtree is univalue if: # 1. Both children are univalue subtrees # 2. Children values match current node (if they exist) is_uni = (left_is_uni and right_is_uni and (not node.left or node.val == left_val) and (not node.right or node.val == right_val)) if is_uni: count += 1 return is_uni, node.val count = 0 dfs(root) return count
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