DSA Patterns
Topological Sort
Master the technique of sorting vertices in a directed acyclic graph
Topological Sort Pattern
Topological sorting is a linear ordering of vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) such that for every directed edge u→v, vertex u comes before v in the ordering. Think of it as scheduling tasks while respecting their dependencies.
Understanding Through Real-World Examples
Course Prerequisites
Real-world scenario: CS curriculum planning where courses have prerequisites Example courses: - CS101: Intro to Programming - CS201: Data Structures (needs CS101) - CS301: Algorithms (needs CS201) - MATH101: Calculus - CS302: Databases (needs CS101) Visual representation: MATH101 CS101 ↙ ↘ CS201 CS302 ↓ CS301 Valid orderings: - [MATH101, CS101, CS201, CS302, CS301] - [CS101, MATH101, CS201, CS302, CS301]
Build System Dependencies
Example: Building a software project Components: - Core Library - Database Layer (needs Core) - UI Components (needs Core) - API Layer (needs Database) - Tests (needs everything) Dependency Graph: Core Library ↙ ↘ Database UI ↘ ↙ API ↓ Tests
Understanding Through More Examples
Software Deployment Pipeline
Real-world scenario: Deploying a microservices application Services: - Database - Authentication Service - User Service - API Gateway - Frontend Dependencies: Database ← Authentication ← API Gateway ← Frontend ← User Service ←┘ Deployment Considerations: 1. Database must be up first 2. Auth & User services can deploy in parallel 3. API Gateway needs both services 4. Frontend deploys last Valid Deployment Order: 1. Database 2. [Auth Service, User Service] (parallel) 3. API Gateway 4. Frontend
Recipe Preparation
Making a sandwich: Steps: 1. Toast bread 2. Cook bacon 3. Slice tomatoes 4. Wash lettuce 5. Assemble sandwich Dependencies: - Assemble needs all ingredients ready - Bacon must cool slightly after cooking - Bread must cool after toasting Visual Timeline: 0min 2min 4min 6min 8min |--------|--------|--------|--------| [Toast Bread]--[Cool] [Cook Bacon]----[Cool] [Slice Tomatoes] [Wash Lettuce ] [Assemble ]
Implementation Approaches
Kahn’s Algorithm (BFS Approach)
def topologicalSort(graph: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> List[int]: """ Using BFS with in-degree tracking How it works: 1. Calculate in-degree for each node 2. Start with nodes having 0 in-degree 3. Remove edges and update in-degrees 4. Add nodes with new 0 in-degree to queue Visual process for above course example: Initial in-degrees: MATH101: 0 CS101: 0 CS201: 1 CS302: 1 CS301: 1 Steps: 1. Queue: [MATH101, CS101] 2. After CS101: Queue: [MATH101, CS201, CS302] 3. After MATH101: Queue: [CS201, CS302] 4. After CS201: Queue: [CS302, CS301] ...and so on """ # Calculate in-degree for each node in_degree = {node: 0 for node in graph} for node in graph: for neighbor in graph[node]: in_degree[neighbor] += 1 # Start with nodes having 0 in-degree queue = deque([node for node, degree in in_degree.items() if degree == 0]) result = [] while queue: node = queue.popleft() result.append(node) # Reduce in-degree of neighbors for neighbor in graph[node]: in_degree[neighbor] -= 1 if in_degree[neighbor] == 0: queue.append(neighbor) return result if len(result) == len(graph) else [] # Check for cycles
DFS Approach
def topologicalSortDFS(graph: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> List[int]: """ Using DFS with cycle detection How it works: 1. Use DFS to explore paths 2. Add nodes to result when backtracking 3. Maintain visited set for cycle detection States of nodes: - UNVISITED: Not processed - VISITING: In current DFS path (cycle detection) - VISITED: Fully processed Example trace: CS101 → mark VISITING → CS201 → mark VISITING → CS301 → mark VISITING, backtrack → backtrack → backtrack """ WHITE, GRAY, BLACK = 0, 1, 2 # States for cycle detection colors = {node: WHITE for node in graph} result = [] def dfs(node: int) -> bool: if colors[node] == GRAY: # Cycle detected return False if colors[node] == BLACK: # Already processed return True colors[node] = GRAY # Mark as being visited # Visit all neighbors for neighbor in graph[node]: if not dfs(neighbor): return False colors[node] = BLACK # Mark as fully visited result.append(node) return True # Try DFS from each unvisited node for node in graph: if colors[node] == WHITE: if not dfs(node): return [] # Cycle detected return result[::-1] # Reverse for correct order
Common Applications
Build Systems
""" Example: Make file dependencies Makefile: app: lib.o main.o gcc -o app lib.o main.o lib.o: lib.c lib.h gcc -c lib.c main.o: main.c lib.h gcc -c main.c Dependency Graph: lib.h → lib.o → app ↘ ↗ main.c → main.o Topological Sort helps determine build order """
Task Scheduling
def scheduleJobs(jobs: List[str], deps: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[str]: """ Real-world job scheduling with dependencies Example: jobs = ['deploy', 'test', 'build', 'develop'] deps = [ ('develop', 'build'), ('build', 'test'), ('test', 'deploy') ] Result: ['develop', 'build', 'test', 'deploy'] """ # Implementation similar to topological sort
Advanced Concepts and Techniques
Priority-Based Topological Sort
def priorityTopSort(graph, priorities): """ Topological sort that respects both dependencies and priority preferences Example: Deployment with Priority Services: - Critical (High): Database, Auth - Important (Medium): API, Cache - Normal (Low): UI, Analytics Strategy: 1. Group nodes by priority 2. Within each priority, follow dependencies 3. Try to schedule high priority nodes first Implementation: Use priority queue instead of regular queue """ def get_priority_score(node): base_score = priorities[node] * 1000 return base_score - in_degree[node] # Similar to regular toposort but with priority queue pq = [(get_priority_score(n), n) for n in nodes] heapify(pq) # ... rest of implementation
Parallel Task Scheduling
def parallelSchedule(tasks, dependencies, workers): """ Schedule tasks across multiple workers while respecting dependencies Example: tasks = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] deps = [('A','C'), ('B','C'), ('C','E'), ('D','E')] workers = 2 Timeline: Worker1: A -> C -> E Worker2: B -> D Total Time: 3 time units Visual: Worker1: [A] -> [C] -> [E] Worker2: [B] -> [D] -> [ ] Key Concepts: 1. Level-based scheduling 2. Worker assignment 3. Critical path analysis """ levels = defaultdict(list) current_level = 0 # Group tasks by levels while tasks: available = [t for t in tasks if not dependencies[t]] if not available: return None # Cycle detected levels[current_level] = available # ... rest of implementation
Real-World System Design Applications
Database Schema Migration
Problem: Applying database migrations in correct order Example Migrations: M1: Create Users Table M2: Create Products Table M3: Add Email to Users M4: Create Orders Table (needs Users, Products) M5: Add Index on Email Dependencies: M1 <- M3 <- M5 M1, M2 <- M4 Challenges: 1. Some migrations can run in parallel 2. Must handle failed migrations 3. Need rollback capability 4. Version tracking
CI/CD Pipeline Optimization
Scenario: Optimizing build and test pipeline Steps: 1. Code Checkout 2. Dependencies Installation 3. Unit Tests (needs deps) 4. Integration Tests (needs unit tests) 5. Build (needs tests) 6. Deploy (needs build) Optimization Opportunities: 1. Parallel test execution 2. Cache dependency installation 3. Incremental builds 4. Selective testing Implementation: Use topological sort to: 1. Identify parallel execution paths 2. Calculate critical path 3. Optimize resource allocation
Edge Cases and Error Handling
Cycle Detection
""" Problem: Circular dependencies Example: A → B → C → A Issues: - No valid ordering possible - Must detect and handle appropriately - Report specific cycle for debugging Solution: - Use colors (WHITE, GRAY, BLACK) - Or track current path - Return cycle information """
Multiple Valid Orderings
""" Example: A → C B → C Valid orderings: - [A, B, C] - [B, A, C] Handling: - Both are correct - May want deterministic ordering - Consider using sorted neighbors """
Practice Problems
- Course Schedule
- Prerequisites Tasks
- Build Order
- Recipe Dependencies
- Alien Dictionary
- Parallel Courses
- Minimum Height Trees
- Course Schedule II
- Sequence Reconstruction
- Sort Items by Groups
- Longest Chain of Prerequisites
- Maximum Team Performance
Remember: The key to mastering Topological Sort is to:
- Identify dependency relationships
- Handle cycles properly
- Consider multiple valid orderings
- Optimize for specific requirements
- Test with complex dependency graphs
When to Use Topological Sort
Use this pattern when you need to:
- Find a linear ordering of elements that have dependencies
- Schedule tasks with prerequisites
- Detect cycles in directed graphs
- Determine build order or compilation sequence
Core Concepts
Graph Representation
- Adjacency list for storing dependencies
- In-degree tracking for each node
- Queue for processing nodes
Key Steps
- Build the adjacency list
- Calculate in-degree for each node
- Process nodes with 0 in-degree
- Update in-degrees as nodes are processed
Common Problems
Course Schedule
- Given prerequisites, determine if courses can be completed
- Detect cycles in course dependencies
- Find valid course ordering
Build Order
- Determine valid build sequence for projects
- Handle build dependencies
- Identify circular dependencies
Task Scheduling
- Schedule tasks with dependencies
- Find minimum completion time
- Parallel task execution
Problem-Solving Tips
Graph Building
- Carefully construct the adjacency list
- Track both incoming and outgoing edges
- Consider using a matrix for dense graphs
Cycle Detection
- Valid topological sort exists only for DAGs
- Track visited nodes during traversal
- Use DFS for explicit cycle detection
- Use BFS for shortest path considerations
- Consider priority queue for weighted edges
- Cache results for repeated queries
Common Pitfalls
Cycle Handling
- Always check for cycles
- Return empty result for cyclic graphs
- Consider partial ordering when possible
Edge Cases
- Empty graph
- Single node
- Disconnected components
- Space complexity: O(V + E)
- Time complexity: O(V + E)
- Consider sparse vs dense graphs
Real Interview Questions
- Course Schedule (LeetCode 207)
- Alien Dictionary (LeetCode 269)
- Minimum Height Trees (LeetCode 310)
- Sequence Reconstruction (LeetCode 444)
Practice Problems
- Determine if course schedule is possible
- Find valid course ordering
- Detect cycle in directed graph
- Parallel course scheduling
- Build order with dependencies
- Find all possible orderings
- Minimum time to complete all tasks
- Lexicographically smallest valid ordering
- Maximum tasks that can be completed
Remember: Topological Sort is essential for system design interviews where dependency management is crucial (build systems, task schedulers, workflow engines).
Articles & Tutorials
Visualizer not available for this pattern yet. We're working on it!