Topological Sort

Master the technique of sorting vertices in a directed acyclic graph

Topological Sort Pattern

Topological sorting is a linear ordering of vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) such that for every directed edge u→v, vertex u comes before v in the ordering. Think of it as scheduling tasks while respecting their dependencies.

Understanding Through Real-World Examples

  1. Course Prerequisites

    Real-world scenario:
    CS curriculum planning where courses have prerequisites
    Example courses:
    - CS101: Intro to Programming
    - CS201: Data Structures (needs CS101)
    - CS301: Algorithms (needs CS201)
    - MATH101: Calculus
    - CS302: Databases (needs CS101)
    Visual representation:
    MATH101    CS101
               ↙    ↘
            CS201  CS302
    Valid orderings:
    - [MATH101, CS101, CS201, CS302, CS301]
    - [CS101, MATH101, CS201, CS302, CS301]
  2. Build System Dependencies

    Example: Building a software project
    - Core Library
    - Database Layer (needs Core)
    - UI Components (needs Core)
    - API Layer (needs Database)
    - Tests (needs everything)
    Dependency Graph:
    Core Library
         ↙     ↘
    Database   UI
         ↘    ↙

Understanding Through More Examples

  1. Software Deployment Pipeline

    Real-world scenario: Deploying a microservices application
    - Database
    - Authentication Service
    - User Service
    - API Gateway
    - Frontend
    Database ← Authentication ← API Gateway ← Frontend
            ← User Service ←┘
    Deployment Considerations:
    1. Database must be up first
    2. Auth & User services can deploy in parallel
    3. API Gateway needs both services
    4. Frontend deploys last
    Valid Deployment Order:
    1. Database
    2. [Auth Service, User Service] (parallel)
    3. API Gateway
    4. Frontend
  2. Recipe Preparation

    Making a sandwich:
    1. Toast bread
    2. Cook bacon
    3. Slice tomatoes
    4. Wash lettuce
    5. Assemble sandwich
    - Assemble needs all ingredients ready
    - Bacon must cool slightly after cooking
    - Bread must cool after toasting
    Visual Timeline:
    0min    2min    4min    6min    8min
    [Toast Bread]--[Cool]
    [Cook Bacon]----[Cool]
    [Slice Tomatoes]
    [Wash Lettuce   ]
                         [Assemble    ]

Implementation Approaches

  1. Kahn’s Algorithm (BFS Approach)

    def topologicalSort(graph: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        Using BFS with in-degree tracking
        How it works:
        1. Calculate in-degree for each node
        2. Start with nodes having 0 in-degree
        3. Remove edges and update in-degrees
        4. Add nodes with new 0 in-degree to queue
        Visual process for above course example:
        Initial in-degrees:
        MATH101: 0  CS101: 0
        CS201: 1    CS302: 1
        CS301: 1
        1. Queue: [MATH101, CS101]
        2. After CS101: Queue: [MATH101, CS201, CS302]
        3. After MATH101: Queue: [CS201, CS302]
        4. After CS201: Queue: [CS302, CS301]
        ...and so on
        # Calculate in-degree for each node
        in_degree = {node: 0 for node in graph}
        for node in graph:
            for neighbor in graph[node]:
                in_degree[neighbor] += 1
        # Start with nodes having 0 in-degree
        queue = deque([node for node, degree in in_degree.items() if degree == 0])
        result = []
        while queue:
            node = queue.popleft()
            # Reduce in-degree of neighbors
            for neighbor in graph[node]:
                in_degree[neighbor] -= 1
                if in_degree[neighbor] == 0:
        return result if len(result) == len(graph) else []  # Check for cycles
  2. DFS Approach

    def topologicalSortDFS(graph: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        Using DFS with cycle detection
        How it works:
        1. Use DFS to explore paths
        2. Add nodes to result when backtracking
        3. Maintain visited set for cycle detection
        States of nodes:
        - UNVISITED: Not processed
        - VISITING: In current DFS path (cycle detection)
        - VISITED: Fully processed
        Example trace:
        CS101 → mark VISITING
          → CS201 → mark VISITING
            → CS301 → mark VISITING, backtrack
          → backtrack
        → backtrack
        WHITE, GRAY, BLACK = 0, 1, 2  # States for cycle detection
        colors = {node: WHITE for node in graph}
        result = []
        def dfs(node: int) -> bool:
            if colors[node] == GRAY:  # Cycle detected
                return False
            if colors[node] == BLACK:  # Already processed
                return True
            colors[node] = GRAY  # Mark as being visited
            # Visit all neighbors
            for neighbor in graph[node]:
                if not dfs(neighbor):
                    return False
            colors[node] = BLACK  # Mark as fully visited
            return True
        # Try DFS from each unvisited node
        for node in graph:
            if colors[node] == WHITE:
                if not dfs(node):
                    return []  # Cycle detected
        return result[::-1]  # Reverse for correct order

Common Applications

  1. Build Systems

    Example: Make file dependencies
    app: lib.o main.o
        gcc -o app lib.o main.o
    lib.o: lib.c lib.h
        gcc -c lib.c
    main.o: main.c lib.h
        gcc -c main.c
    Dependency Graph:
    lib.h → lib.o → app
      ↘         ↗
    main.c → main.o
    Topological Sort helps determine build order
  2. Task Scheduling

    def scheduleJobs(jobs: List[str], deps: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[str]:
        Real-world job scheduling with dependencies
        jobs = ['deploy', 'test', 'build', 'develop']
        deps = [
            ('develop', 'build'),
            ('build', 'test'),
            ('test', 'deploy')
        Result: ['develop', 'build', 'test', 'deploy']
        # Implementation similar to topological sort

Advanced Concepts and Techniques

  1. Priority-Based Topological Sort

    def priorityTopSort(graph, priorities):
        Topological sort that respects both dependencies
        and priority preferences
        Example: Deployment with Priority
        - Critical (High): Database, Auth
        - Important (Medium): API, Cache
        - Normal (Low): UI, Analytics
        1. Group nodes by priority
        2. Within each priority, follow dependencies
        3. Try to schedule high priority nodes first
        Use priority queue instead of regular queue
        def get_priority_score(node):
            base_score = priorities[node] * 1000
            return base_score - in_degree[node]
        # Similar to regular toposort but with priority queue
        pq = [(get_priority_score(n), n) for n in nodes]
        # ... rest of implementation
  2. Parallel Task Scheduling

    def parallelSchedule(tasks, dependencies, workers):
        Schedule tasks across multiple workers while
        respecting dependencies
        tasks = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
        deps = [('A','C'), ('B','C'), ('C','E'), ('D','E')]
        workers = 2
        Worker1: A -> C -> E
        Worker2: B -> D
        Total Time: 3 time units
        Worker1: [A] -> [C] -> [E]
        Worker2: [B] -> [D] -> [ ]
        Key Concepts:
        1. Level-based scheduling
        2. Worker assignment
        3. Critical path analysis
        levels = defaultdict(list)
        current_level = 0
        # Group tasks by levels
        while tasks:
            available = [t for t in tasks if not dependencies[t]]
            if not available:
                return None  # Cycle detected
            levels[current_level] = available
            # ... rest of implementation

Real-World System Design Applications

  1. Database Schema Migration

    Problem: Applying database migrations in correct order
    Example Migrations:
    M1: Create Users Table
    M2: Create Products Table
    M3: Add Email to Users
    M4: Create Orders Table (needs Users, Products)
    M5: Add Index on Email
    M1 <- M3 <- M5
    M1, M2 <- M4
    1. Some migrations can run in parallel
    2. Must handle failed migrations
    3. Need rollback capability
    4. Version tracking
  2. CI/CD Pipeline Optimization

    Scenario: Optimizing build and test pipeline
    1. Code Checkout
    2. Dependencies Installation
    3. Unit Tests (needs deps)
    4. Integration Tests (needs unit tests)
    5. Build (needs tests)
    6. Deploy (needs build)
    Optimization Opportunities:
    1. Parallel test execution
    2. Cache dependency installation
    3. Incremental builds
    4. Selective testing
    Use topological sort to:
    1. Identify parallel execution paths
    2. Calculate critical path
    3. Optimize resource allocation

Edge Cases and Error Handling

  1. Cycle Detection

    Problem: Circular dependencies
    A → B → C → A
    - No valid ordering possible
    - Must detect and handle appropriately
    - Report specific cycle for debugging
    - Use colors (WHITE, GRAY, BLACK)
    - Or track current path
    - Return cycle information
  2. Multiple Valid Orderings

    A → C
    B → C
    Valid orderings:
    - [A, B, C]
    - [B, A, C]
    - Both are correct
    - May want deterministic ordering
    - Consider using sorted neighbors

Practice Problems

  1. Basic

    • Course Schedule
    • Prerequisites Tasks
    • Build Order
    • Recipe Dependencies
  2. Intermediate

    • Alien Dictionary
    • Parallel Courses
    • Minimum Height Trees
    • Course Schedule II
  3. Advanced

    • Sequence Reconstruction
    • Sort Items by Groups
    • Longest Chain of Prerequisites
    • Maximum Team Performance

Remember: The key to mastering Topological Sort is to:

  1. Identify dependency relationships
  2. Handle cycles properly
  3. Consider multiple valid orderings
  4. Optimize for specific requirements
  5. Test with complex dependency graphs

When to Use Topological Sort

Use this pattern when you need to:

  • Find a linear ordering of elements that have dependencies
  • Schedule tasks with prerequisites
  • Detect cycles in directed graphs
  • Determine build order or compilation sequence

Core Concepts

  1. Graph Representation

    • Adjacency list for storing dependencies
    • In-degree tracking for each node
    • Queue for processing nodes
  2. Key Steps

    • Build the adjacency list
    • Calculate in-degree for each node
    • Process nodes with 0 in-degree
    • Update in-degrees as nodes are processed

Common Problems

  1. Course Schedule

    • Given prerequisites, determine if courses can be completed
    • Detect cycles in course dependencies
    • Find valid course ordering
  2. Build Order

    • Determine valid build sequence for projects
    • Handle build dependencies
    • Identify circular dependencies
  3. Task Scheduling

    • Schedule tasks with dependencies
    • Find minimum completion time
    • Parallel task execution

Problem-Solving Tips

  1. Graph Building

    • Carefully construct the adjacency list
    • Track both incoming and outgoing edges
    • Consider using a matrix for dense graphs
  2. Cycle Detection

    • Valid topological sort exists only for DAGs
    • Track visited nodes during traversal
    • Use DFS for explicit cycle detection
  3. Optimization

    • Use BFS for shortest path considerations
    • Consider priority queue for weighted edges
    • Cache results for repeated queries

Common Pitfalls

  1. Cycle Handling

    • Always check for cycles
    • Return empty result for cyclic graphs
    • Consider partial ordering when possible
  2. Edge Cases

    • Empty graph
    • Single node
    • Disconnected components
  3. Performance

    • Space complexity: O(V + E)
    • Time complexity: O(V + E)
    • Consider sparse vs dense graphs

Real Interview Questions

  1. Course Schedule (LeetCode 207)
  2. Alien Dictionary (LeetCode 269)
  3. Minimum Height Trees (LeetCode 310)
  4. Sequence Reconstruction (LeetCode 444)

Practice Problems

  1. Basic

    • Determine if course schedule is possible
    • Find valid course ordering
    • Detect cycle in directed graph
  2. Intermediate

    • Parallel course scheduling
    • Build order with dependencies
    • Find all possible orderings
  3. Advanced

    • Minimum time to complete all tasks
    • Lexicographically smallest valid ordering
    • Maximum tasks that can be completed

Remember: Topological Sort is essential for system design interviews where dependency management is crucial (build systems, task schedulers, workflow engines).